A legacy with no money means absolutely nothing. I’m just here to make money cuz a legacy ain’t gonna pay my bills.” Mike Tyson

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“A legacy with no money means absolutely nothing. I’m just here to make money cuz a legacy ain’t gonna pay my bills.” Mike Tyson
“I don’t believe in the word legacy, I think that’s another word for ego. Legacy doesn’t mean anything but what matters is the money. Legacy is just a word everybody grabs to preserve their ego. Someone said that word and everyone grabbed on to it and now it’s used every 5 seconds. But legacy means absolutely nothing to me, I’m just here to make my money. When I dîe, nobody is gonna care about me nor my legacy. That’s why I’m just tryna make my money and live the best live I can. Ya’ll can criticîze me for choosing money over legacy but the truth remains that when I dîe, you’ll still forget about me. I don’t want people to think about me when I’m gone because nobody actually cares. When your gone, you’re gone and whether people think about you or not, it won’t change anything. So I’m just gonna make your money and live my best life.” Mike Tyson’s