Golf is booming”, “The resurgence of golf” and “Golf club x has 100 new

Golf is booming”, “The resurgence of golf” and “Golf club x has 100 new

Views: 9

Golf is booming”, “The resurgence of golf” and “Golf club x has 100 new members” are just a few of the headlines seen recently.

But this resurgence comes with a huge IF.

I wouldn’t celebrate just yet, there’s work to do

IF clubs can retain the new members and change their opinion about the value of golf club membership then all will be well.

IF NOT, the boom will be very short lived.

It’s vital to remember most of the new members are not members by choice, but because it was the only way to play golf in spring.

New members didn’t join because of what clubs offers, they left clubs because clubs didn’t offer enough.

You have one job…..retain them!

Clubs doing well before Corona will no doubt continue to proposer, but if a club in decline thinks they have won the lottery then they need to think again.

Unless clubs look after the new members and give them a reason to stay, they will return to their previous position as nomadic players.

Committee room discussions about change must now surely be accelerated and implemented.

New members surveys, modernised dress codes, fun social arrangements, improved member benefits, great communication, increased use of technology, more family activities and better staff engagement are just a few of the items that could be implemented.

The golf industry is not normally known for its speedy action and openness to change but if it is to capitalise on this opportunity then it will need to move quickly.

Vincent Ushaka

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